TRAILER: New Movie Tells Us ‘What Men Want’

Continuing the Hollywood trend of gender-swapped remakes, Paramount Pictures has released the trailer for What Men Want starring Taraji P. Henson (Empire).

18 years ago, Mel Gibson was electrocuted giving him a unique opportunity to hear the inner thoughts of women, helping him operate within his advertising agency. This time around, Henson plays Ali – a sports agent who finds herself muscled out by the men in her workplace. When an experimental drug-infused tea (and a bang on the head) gives her the ability to hear men’s inner thoughts, she uses it to get ahead of them.

This latest release follows the trend of all-female remakes of popular films such as Ghostbusters and Ocean’s 8. So far, these remakes have been neither financially nor critically as successful as their predecessors, so it will be interesting to see how this plays out.

What Men Want is out in January 2019.

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